Channel Catfish
Channel cats are excellent food and sportfish and do well in most ponds. They do not overpopulate and are primarily scavenger and live on the pond bottom.
Size | Cost | Availability |
4-6" | $0.75 | At Fish Sales |
6-8" | $1.20 | At Fish Sales |
Largemouth Bass
Largemouth Bass are the sportfish most commonly stocked in Southeastern Ponds. They can grow up to ten pounds in large ponds; however their growth is limited by the food supply. They primarily eat minnows, bluegill or shellcracker to keep them growing.
Size | Cost | Availability |
2-3" | $1.50 | At Fish Sales |
Triploid Grass Carp
White Amur
Grass carp are used for pond algae and weed control. They eat the vegetation and clean up the ponds. They usually live about 10-20 years and can grow to over 30 pounds. Recommended stocking rate is from 20-60 per surface acre depending on the type and amount of vegetation. Grass Carp are most effective the first 5-7 years. These fish are sterile in compliance with US Fish and Wildlife regulations.
Size | Cost | Availability |
8-11"" | $14.00 | At Fish Sales |
Blacknose Crappie
Blacknose Crappie are gamefish generally stocked in lakes. They often grow to two pounds plus. They can be difficult to manage in small ponds. They eat primarily small fish.
Size | Cost | Availability |
2" | $0.50 | At Fish Sales (These fish are available during hot summer months.) |
Coppernose Bluegill
Coppernose Bluegill supply an excellent forage fish for bass and are an excellent food fish. They can reach about one to two pounds each. You cannot grow large bass without a good bluegill population.
Size | Cost | Availability |
2-3" | $0.60 | At Fish Sales |
3-5" | $2.50 | Special Order: Requires office contact |
6-9" | $4.00/each | Special Order: Requires office contact |
Redear Sunfish Shellcracker
Redear Sunfish stocked in combination with bluegills best utilize the resources of the a pond. They live in a little deeper water than bluegill and eat a little different diet. The Kentucky State record is 3lbs 1oz from a farm pond.
Size | Cost | Availability |
2-3" | $0.60 | At Fish Sales |
3-5" | $3.00 | Special Order: Requires office contact |
Fathead Minnow
Fathead minnow are a small, non-invasive forage fish that provides more forage food for Largemouth Bass and other predator fish. When stocked in combination with Bluegill they can increase the growth rate of Largemouth Bass.
Size | Cost | Availability |
1-2" | $15.00 | At Fish Sales |
Other Fish
We also sell several other fish species including Hybrid Bluegills, Hybrid Striped Bass, Rainbow Trout, Fathead Minnows. All can live in Southeastern ponds.
Purchase and Deliver Options
Fish are available for purchase at the following locations:
County Fish Sales: We have fish sales at dozens of locations all over Kentucky and Tennessee. Customers may come to sales and purchase fish on a first come first serve basis. The sales announced in the local newspaper in advance. If you want to be notified of future sales date and location, contact us to join our mailing list. Fish available at county sales vary by seasonal availability, size and price.
Pond Delivery: We truck deliver fish directly to your pond. Pond or lake deliveries cost approximately $2.00 per mile one-way, in addition to the cost of the fish.
Hatchery Pickup: You can pickup fish at our hatchery in Bowling Green, Kentucky, please call us to schedule an appointment.
Payment Methods: We accept cash, check, and credit cards.